About Us

PNP FactCheck, an initiative by the Press Network of Pakistan (PNP), is an independent unit to verify, debunk and refute fake news, propaganda and other disinformation about events in Pakistan being circulated in the media. It aims to transform itself into a credible information hub where various kinds of suspicious news items, with vested interests and hidden agenda, could be examined, verified and analyzed in an effective and professional manner for the larger interest of public and media community.

PNP FactCheck is always on the lookout for any news/social media posts where false information has been shared as a fact, or misleading information is being shared for propaganda purpose. A few examples of posts we take up are:

  1. We verify claims made by politicians/people in important governmental positions
  2. Information being shared against or in favour of political parties/leaders which appear untrue
  3. Posts by Facebook pages/twitter handles spreading propaganda using fake information / IDs
  4. Messages from our readers, who inform us about suspicious content
  5. Scams/Rumours which can cause fear or panic amongst people
  6. Misinformation on health or even related to business/economy
  7. Foreign media reports about Pakistan and Pakistan society

Press Network of Pakistan (PNP), a Islamabad-based authenticated News Agency founded in 2011, is authorized by the Government of Pakistan to disseminate news in English and Urdu languages. The PNP is registered with the Office of Press Registrar, Ministry of Information & Broadcasting, Islamabad. (Registration No: 3438-A , File No. 12/16(20)/06-PR).

PNP FactCheck, being managed by professional journalists, media experts and researchers, is looking forward to join hands with like-minded organizations and individuals for fight against fake news and propaganda.

If you are interested to know about our Team, please Click here.

If you are interested to seek Internship opportunities, please Click here.

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For more details, please feel free to Contact us at: pnpfactcheck (@) gmail (dot) com