
In today’s digital era, various kinds of fake news stories, false memes and conspiracy theories are common on nearly every social media platform. That’s why, fact-checkers are required to work in the research departments of well-reputed media organizations, specially for TV talk shows and news bulletins. They are considered the second line of defense to ensure that mistakes don’t happen. In case of someone gets angry and threaten to sue over the content of a news or feature story, the media organization always looks in need of experienced professionals having sound knowledge of fact-checking to defend.

The emerging profession of fact-checker is one of the highest paid jobs in international media. According to a rough estimate, average annual salary of a fact-checker in the US media is around $61,890 ($29.27/hour) equivalent to as many as Rs 10,000,000 (one Crore) in Pakistani currency whereas senior-level fact checker succeeds to earn $76,121 (Rs. 12,000,000) in a year.

Keeping above in view, PNP FactCheck, is pleased to offer an exciting internship program, which aims at giving Pakistani university students and early-career journalists hands-on valuable experience about handling fake news and fact checking.

The 03 Months (approx. 12 Weeks) internship runs four times in a year as per following schedule / timeline.

(01st June to 31st August)

Call for Internship Applications 15th April
Deadline for Application Submission 30th April
Scrutiny / Interview / Test Process 01st May to 25th May
Announcement of Successful Candidates 26th May
Offer Acceptance to Join Internship 28th May
Display of 2nd List 30th May
Internship Starts 01st June
Internship Ends 31st August


(01st September to 30th November)

Call for Internship Applications 15th July
Deadline for Application Submission 30th July
Scrutiny / Interview / Test Process 01st August to 25th August
Announcement of Successful Candidates 26th August
Offer Acceptance to Join Internship 28th August
Display of 2nd List 30th August
Internship Starts 01st September
Internship Ends 30th November


(01st December to 28th February)

Call for Internship Applications 15th October
Deadline for Application Submission 30th October
Scrutiny / Interview / Test Process 01st November to 25th November
Announcement of Successful Candidates 26th November
Offer Acceptance to Join Internship 28th November
Display of 2nd List 30th November
Internship Starts 01st December
Internship Ends 28th February


(01st March to 31st May)

Call for Internship Applications 15th January
Deadline for Application Submission 30th January
Scrutiny / Interview / Test Process 01st February to 25th February
Announcement of Successful Candidates 26th February
Offer Acceptance to Join Internship 27th February
Display of 2nd List 28th February
Internship Starts 01st March
Internship Ends 31st May


Required Skills & Competencies

A fact-checker must rely on two skills—independent research and reporting skills—to ensure the accuracy of news reports, but other competencies can make people more suited to this profession as well.

  • Interpersonal Skills: A fact-checker must often talk to sources and stakeholders to confirm information.
  • Social Media Knowledge: Mastery of the internet, social media and search skills can be crucial to finding accurate and up-to-date information.
  • Time Management: It is very important for a fact checker to complete the task within strict deadlines before moving on to the next.

How to Apply?

  • The internship program is primarily designed for the students of HEC- recognized public and private sector universities. (Preferably those institutions which are interested to enter into win-win agreement with us)
  • Students of 04-years Bachelor degree program in Mass Communication, Media Studies, Social Sciences, English Linguistic & Literature, Computer Science, Business Administration or equivalent disciplines, who have passed 2nd year / 04th semester, are eligible to apply.
  • Students of other semesters, individual graduates and journalists can also be considered depending on their skills, abilities and passion to meet the selection criteria.
  • Applications/forms for internship are to be submitted through the Placement Office of concerned university as per the timeline mentioned above.
  • The internship offer will be unpaid with no financial responsibility. However, intern will be given the Experience Certificate upon successful completion. The performance evaluation, duly signed and stamped by the Supervisor,  will be sent directly to the Placement Office of concerned university.

If you have any questions about the internship, application process, and/or signing MoU, please feel free to contact us.