Truth behind waving of French Flag during Aurat March Islamabad

Like every year, Aurat March has once again succeeded to become the focus of Pakistani media. However, the alleged hoisting of the French flag by some Pakistani women activists on the occasion of recently-held Aurat March has been widely criticized in various circles.

In the wake of recent blasphemy acts in France, Pakistani social media users were of the view that the Women March is a French government sponsored activity. According to some critics, the presence of the national flag of France is an undeniable proof that the march is funded by France, and there are foreign elements behind to defame the real image of Pakistani women.

A number of YouTube video also criticized the act of waving French flag by Pakistani feminists. However, PNP FactCheck, in its report, has debunked all news reports and rumors of hoisting French flag on the occasion of Aurat March, organized by Pakistani women activists.

According to our investigation, the national flag of France consists of three colored strips, blue, white and red, starting from the left side. Contrary to this, the flag waved by Pakistani women was having red, white and purple colored strips, which were starting from left to right side. On the occasion of Aurat March, some women participants also emphasized that the waved flag in fact belongs to Women Democratic Front Pakistan.

It is therefore concluded that there can be similarity among both flags but calling it the national flag of France is totally fabricated and baseless claim.

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